USA Racquetball

$711 raised of $10,000 goal
from 4 people $9,289 to go

Support USA Racquetball and the U.S. National Racquetball Team!

USA Racquetball is bringing the IRF World Racquetball Championships back to home soil where Racquetball was created in 1950 by Joe Sobek. These biennial Championships first took place in 1981, followed by 1984 and 1986, all in the United States. After trips to Germany, Venezuela, Canada, and Mexico, it was back to the USA in 1996 at the City Square Sports Club in Phoenix where Todd O’Neil and Michelle Gould took top singles honors, and Adam Karp/Bill Sell and Joy MacKenzie/Jackie Paraiso were the doubles champions (View History | Watch Video). 

Fast forward to 2024, and we couldn’t be prouder! Twenty-eight years later, the XXII IRF World Racquetball Championships will once again be hosted in the USA, at the Thousand Oaks Family YMCA in San Antonio, Texas. 

With this great honor comes considerable expense, both for hosting AND for fielding a formidable U.S. Team! 

USA Racquetball will gratefully accept your tax deductible donation to help cover the costs of the event and to support the U.S. Team. We thank you for any amount, large or small.

With a minimum $50 donation, you will receive the official commemorative pin of the XXII IRF World Racquetball Championships. Be sure to note in the comments that your donation is to support USA Racquetball as Host Country of the IRF World Championships (and include your mailing address as well)!

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$711 raised of $10,000 goal
from 4 people $9,289 to go
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    1651 Mesa Ave
    Colorado Springs, CO 80906