Shanti Project

This year Shanti celebrates 50 years of service in the community. To celebrate this milestone, we are hosting what promises to be an unforgettable evening with our Compassion Is Universal Gala. The event will begin with a reception and silent auction, followed by a formal dinner program and after-party.

Location:  The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA

Date and Time:  Saturday, October 19, 2024

5:00pm    VIP Reception
5:30pm    Cocktails & Silent Auction
6:30pm    Dinner and Formal Program
8:30pm    After-party

Honoree of the 2024 Nancy Pelosi Lifetime Achievement Award:
Charles A. Garfield, Ph.D., Founder of Shanti Project

Sponsorship Opportunities


General Admission Tickets: $500
Please donate (fully tax deductible) tickets at $500 each so a Shanti client or volunteer can attend.
I/We cannot attend. I am sending a contribution to support Shanti.
Total Amount: $

Your Information


Credit / Debit
Checking Account
Visa card Mastercard American Express card Discover card
Expiration Date *
Amount  $0 USD 
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    (415) 625-5217


    3170 23rd Street
    San Francisco, CA 94110